Earlier today, Elizabeth, the girls and I said goodbye to one of our goat nannies named Ester. She was given to us by a local herbalist who was having trouble keeping her goats on her property as they kept ravaging her neighbors’ gardens which led to a police citation.
When we first met Ester (then named Easter after the pagan goddess of fertility), we found her to be delightful except for the fact she liked to buck the fence around her enclosure.
Loading her into a crate and taking her back to Glorious Acres was relatively effortless, and although she never really got along with our other goats, the beautiful animal served her purpose by giving us two wonderful young doelings in her first litter, which we appropriately names Hoo and Dini since both are, like their mother, escape artists.
We’re so glad Ester is gone!
She was a destructive goat, breaking gates, snapping 4 inch fence posts and even damaging the pole barn. The God forsaken animal would ram the stalls for hours, destroying everything in her sight.
So today, we celebrated when the turd left our property and became someone else’s problem (and we got paid too!)
So long Ester! You won’t be missed… :P