Fish is becoming a fast growing part of the human diet. Unfortunately, over-fishing has depleted many fish stocks, and the proposed solution, fish farming on a global scale is creating far more problems for those who rely on farmed fish as a source of protein and omega-3 fatty acid. As most studies show fish farms […]
Category Archives: Posts
Grace, Trinity and Faith Changing a Tire on our 2000 Chevy Silverado 1500 Farm Truck
Today I challenged my daughters Grace (14), Trinity (11) and Faith (9) to change a tire by themselves on our 2000 Chevy Silverado farm truck. It took them just under 10 minutes from start to finish, and I am proud to say it only took one lesson from yours truly a couple weeks back to […]
The Newest Addition To Our Homestead: Two Bucklings Named Diamond & Buckeye
Today I wanted to introduce the newest arrivals on our Florida homestead. Meet Diamond & Buckeye! These cute little guys were born only a few days ago, but they were not quite presentable until today. The first few days goat kids are born, they’re covered in birth fluids then other undesired dried up body fluids […]
Freshly Baked Bread from a Frozen Brigford Ready-Dough Loaf
Today, I want to talk about delicious bread! Not many people will argue about the endearing smell or freshly baked bread. Today I baked a loaf of soft, moist bread to accompany succulent veggie cretons I made in an effort to travel back in time, if anything for a few culinary minutes… Mission accomplished! My […]
What’s Better For You? Glorious Acres Eggs or FDA Approved Eggs?
Earlier today a friend of mine shared a video he felt I would appreciate: How It’s Made – Eggs. I’ve been a huge fan of “How It’s Made” videos for over 10 years seeing how much their videos taught me and my daughters about the way things are made, however when it came to this […]
Would You Like A Side Of Pesticides With That?
Did you know most fresh foods you eat contains toxic levels of pesticides? That’s right! Thanks to a rigged system, for decades the USDA has looked the other way when pesticides are concerned. Why? Because pesticides boost productivity and pesticides cause cancer as well as countless other terminal illnesses which in turn, drive the healthcare […]
Another Glorious Day On The Homestead
Yesterday was another epic day in our Florida homestead as we not only collected a glorious harvest from our gardens, our duck & chicken hens and our milking goats, but we also set a record for items purchased from our online store. From complete hand milking systems to hand milker lid assemblies, we shipped more […]
Homemade Goat Milk Cheese Curd Recipe
Today on the homestead, we set out to make cheese curd using goat milk we draw every morning and afternoon from our Alpine/Nubian nannies. Ingredients: 1/4 tsp Mesophilic A Cheese Culture 1/2 tsp Calcium Chloride Liquid (30%) prepared 1/2 tsp Rennet (microbial) dissolved in 1/4 cup distilled water 2 tsp Flaked Salt 1 Gallon Milk […]
The Dandy 2000 Second Generation – Another Portable Solar Generator by Yours Truly
Earlier this week, I built the prototype second generation Dandy 2000, an off-grid portable solar generator built using a combination of new, reconditioned and used parts that are ISO 9001 and/or CE certified. This solar generator can be used as an emergency power source or daily to power devices or appliances, like myself, as […]
NEW! A Safe Lid Assembly For Your Hand Held Milking System
I give praise to God for my newest invention: A user friendly, safe lid assembly for hand held milking pumps. Until just a few days ago, we were using the original Dansha Farms lid assembly that’s held together using an epoxy type compound (blob) that we never trusted as being food grade. Even though Dansha […]