It’s that time of the year when goat kids abound on Glorious Acres! This spring, we we blessed with 6 goat kids from our nannies Lilly, Whoopsie and Stella and now that they’re ready to be weened, it’s time to sell them and thin out our herd. Here are a few more pics of our super […]
Category Archives: Farming
Another Kid On The Block!
God blessed us with 2 more goat kids this weekend when Lilly, our newest nanny gave birth to two doelings (females) to add to our flock. Eventually, we’re hopeful these new does will bless us with fresh milk and goat kids of their own. Over the past 7-8 years, we’ve been blessed with hundreds of […]
Meet Billy & Lilly: The Newest Arrivals On Glorious Acres!
Just this past weekend, we were blessed with two new goats on Glorious Acres named Billy, for the buck, and Lilly for the doe. The best part is, Lilly is already bred and she’s due to give us at least one kid before the winter, not that it matters in Florida… :P Did you know […]
Meet Valerie, Our Holstien Cow
Once a day, every single day for the past 5 months, we have been milking our beautiful Holstein cow named Valerie. Earlier this year, she had the cutest little calf but she wasn’t a very good mom and didn’t keep him clean so he got fly strike and was not doing well. He quit nursing […]
Massive Headaches – A Roundup Side Effect?
At Glorious Acres, we try and feed our family the best food we can. Elizabeth and I have taken the time to educate ourselves and our daughters through thorough research on gardening, farming as well as holistic healing. One look at our family tells quite a lot about the way we eat and of course, […]
Our First Day At The Brooksville Farmers Market
Today was our first time setting up at the Farmers Market downtown historic Brooksville, FL. Although we got rained out, and received a refund for our space rental, I have to say the girls, Elizabeth and I feel pretty good about the success we experienced during the 3 hours we were there. One thing we […]
Calf Killing Fly Strike – SOLVED?
The Lord blessed us with our first calf last week, but the blessing came somewhat disguised. Let me digress… Our Holstein-Angus cow gave birth to her first calf last Wednesday, and being the rebel she is, she didn’t do a good job cleaning him up resulting in a massive Fly Strike attack that quickly spread […]
Goodbye Ester! You Won’t Be Missed…
Earlier today, Elizabeth, the girls and I said goodbye to one of our goat nannies named Ester. She was given to us by a local herbalist who was having trouble keeping her goats on her property as they kept ravaging her neighbors’ gardens which led to a police citation. When we first met Ester (then […]
Why Eating Fish Is Worst Than Fast Food…
Fish is becoming a fast growing part of the human diet. Unfortunately, over-fishing has depleted many fish stocks, and the proposed solution, fish farming on a global scale is creating far more problems for those who rely on farmed fish as a source of protein and omega-3 fatty acid. As most studies show fish farms […]
The Newest Addition To Our Homestead: Two Bucklings Named Diamond & Buckeye
Today I wanted to introduce the newest arrivals on our Florida homestead. Meet Diamond & Buckeye! These cute little guys were born only a few days ago, but they were not quite presentable until today. The first few days goat kids are born, they’re covered in birth fluids then other undesired dried up body fluids […]